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Pastor Ross Lieuallen's Corner

March 2025 Evangel

Evangel for March 2025. An informative publication for the church with informative articles, calenders and much more.



First Baptist Church  

 218 N. 34th Street, Billings MT 59101; Phone: 406-259-6546  

Email: Website: Facebook: First Baptist Church Billings MT Leading people to be transformed and renewed by the Holy Spirit to become Christ centered servants. Pastor Ross Lieuallen 

March 2025  


In His Own Words. . . 

March is known for many things. What comes to mind for most is St. Patrick’s Day…March 17th…the day the Catholic Church set to honor this great man of God. Patrick lived during the 5th century, and most believe his date of death was March 17th, 461. Of course like most things in history, what was originally set to be a spiritual commemoration has become through the centuries a cultural celebration; whereby most perhaps do not even realize that Patrick was indeed a missionary who received many visions, had many miracles happen through his ministry and led many people to Christ in Ireland, thus beginning, many believe the first advance of the gospel in Ireland. I thought it would be fitting to share his own words…snippets reprinted from Christian History Institute. The original article is much longer; and can be accessed from the web address below. Allow these few words of his testimony to inspire about this truly great man of God.  

I am Patrick, a sinner, unlearned, the least of all the faithful, and utterly despised by many. My father was  Calpornius, a deacon, son of Potitus, a priest, of the village Bannavem Taburniae he had a country seat nearby,  and there I was taken captive. I was then about sixteen years of age. I did not know the true God. I was taken into  captivity to Ireland with many thousands of people – and deservedly so, because we turned away from God, and  did not keep His commandments, and did not obey our priests, who used to remind us of our salvation. 

After I came to Ireland – every day I had to tend sheep, and many times a day I prayed – the love of God and His  fear came to me more and more, and my faith was strengthened. And my spirit was moved so that in a single day I  would say as many as a hundred prayers, and almost as many in the night, and this even when I was staying in the  woods and on the mountains; and I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost,  through rain, and I felt no harm, and there was no sloth in me – as I now see, because the spirit within me was  then fervent. And there one night I heard in my sleep a voice saying to me: `It is well that you fast, soon you will go  to your own country.’ 

And after three days we reached land, and for twenty-eight days we traveled through deserted country. And they  lacked food, and hunger overcame them; and the next day the captain said to me: ‘Tell me, Christian: you say that  your God is great and all-powerful; why, then, do you not pray for us? As you can see, we are suffering from  hunger; it is unlikely indeed that we shall ever see a human being again.’ I said to them full of confidence: `Be truly  converted with all your heart to the Lord my God, because nothing is impossible for Him, that this day He may  send you food on your way until you be satisfied; for He has abundance everywhere.’ And, with the help of God, so  it came to pass: suddenly a herd of pigs appeared on the road before our eyes, and they killed many of them; and  there they stopped for two nights and fully recovered their strength, and that day they had plenty of food. 

How did it come to pass in Ireland that those who never had a knowledge of God, but until now always worshipped  idols and things impure, have now been made a people of the Lord, and are called sons of God, that the sons and  daughters of the kings of the Irish are seen to be monks and virgins of Christ? Among others, a blessed Irishwoman  of noble birth, beautiful, full-grown, whom I had baptized, came to us after some days for a particular reason. . . 

And if ever I have done any good for my God whom I love, I beg Him to grant me that I may shed my blood with  those exiles and captives for His name, even though I should be denied a grave, or my body be woefully torn to  pieces limb by limb by hounds or wild beasts, or the fowls of the air devour it. I am firmly convinced that if this  

should happen to me, I would have gained my soul together with my body, because on that day without doubt we  shall rise in the brightness of the sun, that is, in the glory of Christ Jesus our Redeemer, as sons of the living God  and joint heirs with Christ, to be made conformable to His image; for of Him, and by Him, and in Him we shall  reign. For this sun which we see rises daily for us because He commands so, but it will never reign, nor will its  splendor last; what is more, those wretches who adore it will be miserably punished. Not so we, who believe in, and  worship, the true sun—Christ—who will never perish, nor will he who does His will; but he will abide forever as  Christ abides forever, who reigns with God the Father Almighty and the Holy Spirit before time, and now, and in all  eternity. Amen. 

Behold, again and again would I set forth the words of my confession. I testify in truth and in joy of heart before  God and His holy angels that I never had any reason except the Gospel and its promises why I should ever return to  the people from whom once before I barely escaped. I pray those who believe and fear God, whosoever deigns to  look at or receive this writing which Patrick, a sinner, unlearned, has composed in Ireland, that no one should ever  say that it was my ignorance if I did or showed forth anything however small according to God’s good pleasure;  but let this be your conclusion and let it so be thought, that—as is the perfect truth—it was the gift of God. This is  my confession before I die. * 

*St Patrick’s Confession. Translated by Ludwig Bieler. Introduced by Stephen Tomkins. Edited and prepared for the web  by Dan Graves. 




March Bible Reading Plan


This plan is different. We usually provide verses per day for the month. For this plan, I have  selected four texts of Scripture for the month. Take the text assigned for the week, and “soak”  yourself in it. Some texts are longer, so take a few paragraphs for each day! Let’s ask ourselves: 

How is Jesus speaking to me through this text? 

What do I need to listen to in these stories/verses for my obedience to Him? . . . direction from Him? . . . or ministry for Him/to others? 

Psalm 23:1-6. . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2nd - 8th  

Proverbs 3:1-35. . . . . . .. . . . March 9th- 15th  

Mark 9:1-50. . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 16th- 22nd   

John 15:1-27. . . . . . . .. . . . . . March 23rd – 31st 


  March Birthdays

9 Jennifer Lieuallen 10 Brooklyn Haun 13 David Olson
16 Jim Urlacher 22 Gertrude Koch 24 Bill Clagg
24 Tabitha Mason 25 Shirley Edwards 25 Alvis Dowiels
26 Dolly Not Afraid 30 Stephanie Stark



March Ministry Involvements & Activities

Sunday March 9th, Crisis Center Meal 

Tuesday, March 11th, Women’s Circle at 1:00 pm 

Tuesday, March 11th, Diaconate Meeting w/dinner provided at 5:30 pm 

Sunday, March 16th, Crisis Center Meal



Crisis Center Outreach Meals – 

FBC is still involved in providing outreach meals at the Crisis Center. For March, those dates are Sunday the 9th and 16th. If you would like to participate in this  ministry, please contact Pastor Ross or the church office at  Your willingness to serve this group is appreciated.


            New Address for Pat Bridwell: 

Pat Bridwell 

1818 Pacific Ave., Apt. 415 

Everett, WA 98201 

(406) 656-5874



Don’t Forget! Sunday, March 9th,  2025 




Mission Northwest Search Team Prayer!

Thank you for your continued prayers for your  

Mission Northwest search team as they make  

decisions and choices in the important search for our new Executive Minister.



In March, we, as the body of Christ, will be participating in the National America for Christ support program. This outreach is focused on the Ministry to provide resources for underserved and established programs in our local communities, State, and National levels.  There will be more details in the weekly March bulletins. If you have any questions, please ask Milford or Pastor Ross



Do you have an IRA with a Required Minimum Distribution? 

If so, you may be able to save on your taxes by donating the RMD directly to the church or another charity.

Talk to your tax advisor or ask Sandy Short, 628-1600 for more information.


There is a new course that will be offered soon at First Baptist Church in Billings...

This 9-week class is being offered at FBC starting March 16.  

FPU lays the entire foundation for handling money in just nine lessons—it’s the  fastest, most streamlined way to get control. 

Take the class that will teach you step-by-step how to budget, beat debt, invest  wisely, and take control of your money! 

After a nine-week class, the average FPU grad is debt-free in two years or less!  We’re not saying it’s easy, but it works—if you will. 

Cost to you: $30 per individual or family * 

All materials provided. 

* FBC is subsidizing this class for church attendees, which is otherwise $80 per individual/ family. 

Enroll now! There’s a signup sheet on the reception counter or call the  office 406-259-6546. 

Class dates and times: 

Sunday March 16 11:45 am – 1:45 pm; lunch provided 

Sunday March 23 11:45 am – 1:45 pm; lunch provided 

Sunday March 30 11:45 am – 1:45 pm; lunch provided 

Monday April 14 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm; evening class 

Monday April 21 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm; evening class 

Sunday April 27 11:45 am – 1:45 pm; lunch provided 

Sunday May 4 11:45 am – 1:45 pm; lunch provided 

Monday May 12 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm; evening class 

Monday May 19 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm; evening class 

Class facilitator: Karen Harlan – call for questions at 406-670-5408




Church Needs 

Direction in our church outreach ministries 

Dream fund decision 

Sunday School Teachers (serve 1x per month) 

Youth Director 

Volunteers to prepare sack lunches for Crisis Center Meal (for 15 people) March 23rd March 30th April 27th May 25th 

Church Members and Attendees 

Pray for healing, strength, wisdom, joy, peace –Please remember to encourage them through  visits and cards. 

Lynn Schrader 

Jae Stockton’s Parents – Ken & Vicky 

Bob Short 

Brenda Hines 

Luella Kiser 

Virginia Lutey 

Delinda Burke 

Melvin Paz 

Pat Bridwell 

Bill Clagg 

Lorraine Morton 

Big Sky Area and Mission Northwest Region 

Direction going forward over Big Sky Area 

New Executive Director for Region 

Search Committee review of Applications 

Please continue to use Prayer Card for daily specifics 

To stay connected with other churches 

First Baptist Church – Eureka: Interim Pastor 

National and International Concerns 

Revival in our church, our city, our state, our region, and our nation. 

Our Missionaries: Jae Stockton (on leave), Jeff & Annie Dieselberg (Thailand) Victims’ families from airplane crash in Washington, DC 


Ukraine – for peace, heat, shelter, and food supplies to reach those in need


                                March 2025 Calendar












8:45 am Psalm Study &  Choir Practice 10:00 am Worship Svc.  

3:00 pm Blgs. Rehab  Serv.

6 pm Bible Study

7:30 pm Worship  

Team Practice – 

Sanctuary in use



8:45 am Psalm Study &  Choir Practice 10:00 am Worship Svc.  

3:00 pm Blgs. Rehab  Serv. 

 5:00 pm Crisis Center   Outreach




Circle @ 1:00 pm 



Meeting @ 

5:30 w/dinner  



6 pm Bible Study


7:30 pm Worship  

Team Practice – 

Sanctuary in use




8:45 am Psalm Study &  Choir Practice 10:00 am Worship Svc.  3:00 pm Blgs. Rehab  Serv. 

5:00 pm Crisis Center   Outreach




6 pm Bible Study


30 pm Worship  

Team Practice – 

Sanctuary in use




8:45 am Psalm Study &  Choir Practice 10:00 am Worship Svc.  3:00 pm Blgs. Rehab  Serv.




6 pm Bible Study


7:30 pm Worship  

Team Practice – 

Sanctuary in use




8:45 am Psalm Study &  Choir Practice 10:00 am Worship Svc.  

3:00 pm Blgs. Rehab  Serv.



God Bless you in your journey today!

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