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Pastor Ross Lieuallen's Corner

Coffee Break - 03/12/2025



Both Mathew and Luke record how Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  While we need to always glean spiritual insight from Jesus’ conquering of temptations, we tend to run by ‘the wilderness.’  Lent finds it’s Biblical roots in the forty days in the wilderness.  We tend to neglect the location. . . why the wilderness?

One resource tells us that the location of the wilderness was the Judean desert east of Jerusalem, specifically near Jericho.  It was very cold at night, and hot by day.  It was a lonely place.  Sure, Jesus had an intimate prayer connection with the Holy Spirit and the Father, but nonetheless, lonely, I’m sure.  Lonely for forty days and nights.  The wilderness was a place of wild animals and other forces of nature.  Yes, He calmed storms; and maybe wild animals stayed clear of the Creator.  But again, in His humanity, he was vulnerable to all that the wilderness offered.  Why couldn’t Jesus just be tempted or for that matter just fast while doing daily ministry in the security of a community?  Was the wilderness a place of greater dependence upon the Father?  Was it a more private place for prayer and preparation?  I would say so.  The wilderness had meaning for Jesus.

An equal question. What would our wilderness be like in this season of life?   Obviously, it can be defined as a wilderness of not knowing Christ.   It can also be a ‘What do you want me to do, Jesus?'  Perhaps a wilderness might be ‘I feel overwhelmed by circumstances or responsibilities.’    How would you define your wilderness right now?

Perhaps this Lenten season is a time for all of us to be grateful for Jesus bringing us out of the wilderness of sin into His grace.  Secondly, if we can relate to walking with Jesus in our wilderness, we can rest in His abiding presence—He is with us!  We are not alone!  Thirdly, we learn to depend on Him with even greater trust. Just as He did in His wilderness.  

Our faith does not diminish; The Holy Spirit does not wane; His presence is not dim in any wilderness.  Our wilderness has meaning too!


Pastor Ross  


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